
Receptions schedule and booking

This is a vRegistry application to manage the web-based registering of your clients. All you need to use it, is to have a web browser on your computer.

The client's time and place of the reception are reserved according to the receptionist’s schedule; then the contact data is saved. It is possible to view the Registrations report within a given period. The saved contact data is available when making future registrations. Main features:

  1. describe the schedules (time plan) by receptionists and reception places;
  2. create the appointment schedules from the time plan and modify;
  3. insert, edit and cancel the appointments;
  4. inform the clients about upcoming reception by SMS and/or email;
  5. maintain client data for further use (client registry);
  6. see the current status of reservations and view a variety of reports;
  7. let patients to book themselves via front-office form;
  8. duplicate the schedule in the Google Calendar;
  9. multi-user and multi-lingual environment.

See a sample of the client interface.